The Judeo-Fascists

There is a very aggregious infestation of hatred, violence and evil found today in an international cabal of ultra right wing jewish zionist fascists operating clandestinely throughout our world.

Based primarily in New York City and London, this hideous network of high level jewish terrorists and financiers- funded, guided and directed by the Jewish House of Rothschild in the United Kingdom- have infiltrated the highest political, economic, social and religious positions of power and authority on Earth. As well, this cabal has funnelled literally TRILLIONS of taxpayers monies (both within the USA and the European Union) into the construction of an International War Machine that kills and carries out programs of genocide amongst the peoples and nations of the world. They have also been diligently constructing an international fascist police state 'control grid' infrastructure- a new "4th Reich"- to monitor, control and enslave the masses of the people of the Earth.

These fascist/nazi barbarian vermin are the epitomy of anything and everything that could be interpreted as pure EVIL on our planet today. Psychologically, they are clinically, medically and terminally "insane", and, if not stopped DEAD in their tracks (and VERY soon), they will completely destroy ALL Life on Earth in the very near future.

As well, International Jewry carries out mass programs of developmental genocide through an array of global corporate and transnational agencies and institutions throughout our world. Their prime objective is to depopulate the Earth with war, famine, pestilence and death, which they happily and eagerly fund at every level. Billions have ALREADY perished, billions more are slated to be systematically exterminated.

Satan is their God, to kill their passion.

NOTHING but eternal Hell-Fire awaits them ALL at the Judgement.


Jonas the Prophet

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